Gaming news/reviews written by a fan, for fans!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wii-U: Go Fighting Crayfish

The Big, highly anticipated announcement from Nintendo at E3 was their new system. Let's get right down to it, Wii-U. Maybe a little out of left field but whatever. Their selling point from the presentation is that the tablet-like device is "for me and for you." Two circle pads, the common directional pad and camera are just a few of the tidbits packed into this bad boy. A rumble feature was also reported at the presentation but who knows what could get scrapped at the last minute before its ready to be released. I Don't see the Rumble pack being cut, it's a Nintendo mainstay. It looks like Nintendo is trying to cover both angles, hit the hard-core gamer as well as the pick up and play gamer. By the games shown in the demo video, Nintendo is really trying to nail that "for me and for you" feeling. A game in development for the "Wii-University" is Lego City Stories. It is also being made for the 3DS. This could be seen as a game for everyone compared to say Tekken or Darksiders 2, also shown on the demo video for Wii-U. Nintendo always has a wide variety of games and this time around is no different with Ninja Gaiden and Super Smash Brothers being announced for the Wii-U. Smash Brothers is going to be on the Wii-U as well as the 3DS. You can already see the possibilities of online 3D fights. Another reason why these games were shown might be that these games could show off the HD images better and show how beautiful the games look. What doesn't the Wii-U controller do? You can draw on the screen of the controller and put that image on the TV. You can be playing on the TV and someone wants to watch TV, you can transfer the game you were playing right onto the controller and continue playing. You can also have video calls on the controller. The only thing not to like is that it's coming out next year. Nintendo said at the presentation that they wanted to create a strong bond between games, your TV, and the internet and with the Wii-U it looks like Nintendo is on their way to doing just that.

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