A lot has happened since the last time I posted on here so lets get right into it.....
Nintendo has announced the 2DS, which sounds like a joke when you first hear about it but after it grows on you, it actually makes a lot of sense. A 3DS without 3D so parents don't have to limit the amount of 3D their child is seeing/damaging their eyes. A lot of Pokemon News has surfaced as well but the major news is about the Mega Pokemon, which breaks the fanbase into two sides. This might be obvious but they're those who are pro Mega and those who are anti Mega. I don't really know how I feel about the Mega Pokemon at this point. Before the news that Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander were gift Pokemon in X and Y, I was a little put off by the whole idea of Mega Pokemon. As some have said online, it makes the franchise too Digimon like.
First off, after the news that my favorite Pokemon, Squirtle, could be a part of my team again makes me so happy. I started my first journey with Squirtle and Nintendo either is trying to get a new group of fans into the first generation of Pokemon or they're going to try to cash in on the nostalgia factor from the older generation, like myself. There could also be a third theory that Game Freak had the idea of Mega Pokemon for years and had Mega Blastoise, Venusaur, and Charizard already in place and just had to come up with a way to get players to have the base forms.
It also begs the question "what other Mega Pokemon will there be?" It also brings up the fact that you could have Pokemon that don't get new evolutions that instead get new Mega Forms, such as Mawile or Absol. If it comes to that, just give me a new Heracross Mega form. I would ask for Feraligatr as well but who knows if the other starter Pokemon will get Mega forms. It would make sense since the Kanto starters and Blaziken has a Mega form.
Question for the comments section:
Of the starter Pokemon from all the regions if they all get Mega forms, which one are you gonna strive to get at all costs?
Squirtle is my choice for Mega Blastoise!
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