Gaming news/reviews written by a fan, for fans!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Nintendo having Fun with Their Oscar Picks

The Academy Awards is this weekend and Nintendo has decided to give the awards show the Nintendo twist. They have created their own award categories, complete with a Nintendo twist. It goes to show that Nintendo is all about having a good time and having fun! Now, give me more Villager Amiibo at some point or now that I thing about it, more Amiibo availability in general would be fine!

Without delay lets get to the picks!

The Princess Peach Award, for best female costume in a movie - Maleficent

The Samus Aran Award, for strongest female character – Olivia Evans - Boyhood

The Smash Award, for best fight scene of the year – Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

The Dragonite Award, for best film featuring a dragon – How To Train Your Dragon 2

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Award, for best music scene in a film - Whiplash

The Star Fox Best Barrel Roll in a movie – Guardians of the Galaxy

Honorary Birdo Award, for best film with the word 'Bird' in its name – Birdman

I’m glad that The Legend of Zelda was used for best music because lets be honest, LOZ has some of, if not the best music in gaming! Samus for best female was a good choice but how could you not have Donkey Kong be the Big Ape for a category with Planet of the Apes winning!

How long until Nintendo does their own Awards Show and winners receive the Golden Mario Amiibo trophy? Only time will tell on that one!

Also more Squirtle! That is all.

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