Gaming news/reviews written by a fan, for fans!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Supply and Demand

So I went on eBay recently and it would appear that everyone is over reacting to the whole "Hostess is going under and there won't be Twinkies or Coffee Cakes left" thing. So much so that there are products on the bidding site that are several times the regular price. Who in their right mind would pay 50 Bucks for a box of Coffee Cakes. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine bought all the birth control that she used when it was hard to come by and she wouldn't give them to anyone. People who are buying the Wii-U just to sell it are probably going to do the same thing, sell the system for WAY more than it should be going for just because the supply is low. Hopefully the Wii-U won't be in short supply because I can already see how much of a hassle it could be to get one as it already was tough to pre-order one. Anyway, every Nintendo fan is looking forward to Sunday, as am I.

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