The launch of the Wii-U here in the United States is almost here and it seems like everyone is gearing up for it. Options range from where will the system go in the house to what games to get at launch. It was reported recently that pre-orders have increased by a wide margin this week and I was part of that stat. I put money down on New Super Mario Brothers U and ZombiU. I also pre-ordered Lego City: Undercover just to get the Lego Chase McCain figure. I would like Nintendo/Gamestop to more pre-order bonus things like this and they use to but it seems like this type of advertising is a dying breed. Still either way I'm excited for the Wii-U. This will be the first Nintendo system that I got to test before the release and being a part of the pre-release media events. It was also really cool to be at the media event where Reggie was in NYC as well as the initial mention of TVii.
Speaking of the TVii app, it has been reported that the entertainment apps for the system have been delayed but unfortunately things being delayed is "old-hat" for Nintendo. I won't be too heartbroken over the apps being delayed but I hope this won't be the first in a long line of signs that say the system was released too soon. The system already needs an update the first day, which is common for the newer systems. I'm really looking forward to Mii-Verse. I've been trying to go in fresh on this topic and I didn't want to know anything about it, which is a good thing, because Nintendo hasn't revealed too much about it. I'm also interested in the eShop for the Wii-U and see what games independent companies will be making for the system. It's a fun time for fans of Nintendo.
Wii-U. U Know U Want It! |
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