Gaming news/reviews written by a fan, for fans!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nintendo Throws their hat into the NFC figure game, again!

Before E3 started it was rumored that Nintendo was planning their take on toys/figures that store data for games on the Wii U. During the Nintendo Digital Event, it was revealed that there were indeed figures being developed and will work with upcoming games like Super Smash Bros and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker as examples. It was also revealed that these figures will work with Mario Kart 8 as well. The question becomes how will Nintendo sell these money makers? Will they bundle a few of them together, a la Disney Infinity starter set or will they sell one at a time, like Skylanders? Hopefully there won't be several different variations of each figure like Skylanders.

What Nintendo seems to forget but some online don't is that they already breached the subject of "Amiibo" or what the figures are going by now. I would love to know who comes up with some of these names for Nintendo products. Pokemon Rumble had a select number of figures available that would come in little Pokeballs next to the cash register at stores like GameStop and you would have no idea which toy you would get. If Nintendo decides to do a "blind" selling like they did with Pokemon, which I hate, they really are just out to make up for lost profits. I don't think that will be the case at the start of the Amiibo life cycle but when more games have Amiibo-interactivity, then it might become the norm.

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